Wednesday, October 23, 2013

This book is blowing up my life in so many ways. You should really just read it for yourself. It has 94 pages. It is a collection of spiritual insights from brother Lawrence who lives in a monastery. He gives his advice on how to be in the presence of God every minute of your life. 

The first of many things I want to share from this book is a section on repentance. A topic so simple to the Christian, but brother Lawrence brought me to a new understanding. 
"When he sinned, he confessed it to God with these words: "I can do nothing better without You. Please keep me from falling and correct the mistakes I make." After that, he did not feel guilty about the sin." (page 14)

 As Christians we get to this point where we think we have "overcome" a certain sin we have been struggling with. We have to remember we are naturally sinful creatures. It is our nature to sin. We will NEVER get to a point where we are "good". I like when brother Lawrence says, "I can do nothing better without you." Often we give ourselves the glory, thinking we overcame temptation, but in reality the Lord was pouring His grace over us.

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