Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Day My Pants Ripped

Most Embarrassing Moment of 2013

It was a lovely morning; I had just finished my 8 am class. I was heading to the sports cafe to grab some breakfast, and then head back to my dorm-room. I picked this day to be super conversational. I am a middle-school English major; there aren't many guys in this major. I picked this day to talk to them; I don't remember what about, it was brief, as we were walking down the stairs to go out of the building. I was in front of them walking...this is an important factor. So I get to the sports caff and get my usual--sausage biscuit and apple juice. I also pick this day to be super kind. Someone had dropped all their napkins all over the floor, so I reach down and retrieve all of his unnecessary napkins. My suit-mate at the time, bless her soul, comes over to inform me that my pants have ripped, and have been since I came into the cafe, and while I was bending over to get the guy's napkins, and probably while I was talking to those guys on the staircase. In light of the news, I used my purse as a shield and quickly walkeed back to Leslie Hall to change my $1 black skinnies that I purchased at a thrift store. (which every girl out there knows is a steal because they look like dress pants, and they were a dollar) When I got back to my room, I changed my pants and pretended that it never happened.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day 4: Gifts That Keep On Giving



Jewelry, Apparel, Bags, House-wear

We have been sold a narrative about the world that’s not true. We’ve accepted the lie -that tomorrow will be worse than today, that normal people cannot change the world, and worst of all, that nobody is doing anything about it.

We’re here to change that. With over 7 years of first-hand rural African economic development work, we’ve encountered hundreds of amazing people changing the world. Light Gives Heat curates and produces media, products, and ultimately movements that create a sense of hope for the future and builds an understanding that people all around the globe are using their creativity to make the world a better place.